Is the Save the Turtles Straw Movement doing much?

Jack Scott
2 min readApr 9, 2021

Unless you have been living under a rock you have probably heard of the metal straws instead of plastic ones. Yes, there are benefits to this but is it really doing anything to help animals and pollution.

Metal straws are a good thing, yes but, when looking at the big picture of pollution they aren’t really doing all too much. It is said that .025% of all pollution is from pollution. We should be paying more attention to the other more detrimental parts of pollution. For example, runoff makes up for 80% of ocean pollution. Instead of finding a way to combat .025% of pollution why not pay more attention to the 80%.

Many people who have metal straws may think that they are reducing pollution and saving marine animals. In reality, it is still harmful. Producing stainless steel or reusable straws emits more carbon dioxide and needs more energy to be used. Oppose to plastic one-use straws that use less energy and carbon dioxide.

This movement is great but instead of using the product worst for the environment or the plastic alternative why not meet in the middle. Something like bamboo straws is reusable and emits less carbon dioxide and uses less energy.

